Friends, friends, friends. I’ve been blogging since 2015, but when Instagram came along, I stopped and distorted my blog into the best website stock full of information I could, knowing SOMEDAY, I’d have the time and energy to build a real site where all the Anne things could live and grow and thrive.
That day has come! If you click around here, you’ll see some great starts, and some thirsty holes that are aching to be filled. Lemme tell you - this is fun stuff - learning a new language and keeping up with the world.
My old blog is Someday I’ll park it and keep it private. For now there is too much info for me to transfer over here to I’ll be changing my name (hopefully soon) and with that, my business name as well. I know this is a PIA, but well worth the price of all the new stuff I am learning.
I am so happy, and so excited to have a place to write long form again. I feel you all with me and THANK you for reading even this. If you have suggestions - there is a CONTACT form in the left menu. I’d be thrilled to hear from you. Annnnnnnnd, if you would like to be featured in the Student Feedback portion of this site - I’d be ever grateful.
Be Good, and Write.